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Group Course dates
Saturdays 9:00 am - 10:00 am
     4 dates TBD
Private Coaching dates
     3 sessions TBD
Program cost $860

The course offers parents invaluable insights and practical strategies for effectively supporting children dealing with worry and anxiety. Led by Molly, an experienced coach, parents will learn the power of connection in helping their children navigate through difficult emotions. By understanding how to engage with their child's instinctual brain through reflective listening and empathy, parents can effectively calm their child's anxieties and promote healthier brain development. Through this course, parents will gain the tools to foster deeper connections with their children, reducing stress hormones and promoting resilience in the face of challenges.


The four group classes are set up so that you can miss one without falling behind. 
Three private coaching sessions will be scheduled after the program begins.
Cost for the total program is $860.

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